Welcome to the Southern
Nevada Golf Association for Business Women!

Silver Team
Frnt Row L-R Chin Yim, Danielle Kaylor, Capt Suzanne Desmarais, Karen Bernard, Linda Berardo
Back Row L-R: Kathy Faber, Cristi Esposo, Nancy Lauback, Camille Slonim, Ruth Carroll, Fay Geddes, Penny Davis, Dee Nendell

Sierra Nevada Cup
Round 1
Palm Valley
October 20, 2024

Blue Team
Front Row L-R: Terri Mullin, Nicole Nolan, Trinh Kost, Lisa Cho, Gail Chow, Christine Soscia
Back Row L-R: Karen Huckabay, Maureen Coleman, Connie Hill, Millie Anderson, Nadine Moscow, Ronda Henderson, Yuna Sakamoto, Capt Laura Kennedy
Round 2
Sierra Nevada Cup
Las Vegas National
October 20, 2024

Time for Celebration !!
The South dominates the North again,
Silver Cup Winners!
October 15-17, 2024

Congratualations to all the members of the South's Silver Cup Team!
Eleven of the twenty members of the south were members of Business Women! Congratulations to all of you! !!! Way to represent!

L to R back row: Karen Huckabay, Karen Bernard, Theresa Prospero trying to block out Ronda Henderson, Terri Cleary, Gabrielle Buonocorsi, Dr. Maureen Martin, Brittany Bronson, Deb Love. Front row: Cristine Soscia. Missing Helen Welsh